関節リウマチ(RA) | シェーグレン症候群 |
悪性関節リウマチ | IgG4関連疾患 |
全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE) | 抗リン脂質抗体症候群 |
全身性強皮症(SSc) | リウマチ性多発筋痛症(PMR) |
皮膚筋炎/多発性筋炎(PM/DM) | RS3PE症候群 |
混合性結合組織病(MCTD) | ベーチェット病 |
分類不能型結合組織病(UCTD) | 成人Still病 |
血管炎症候群 – 大動脈炎症候群(高安病) – 側頭動脈炎 – 結節性多発動脈炎(PAN) – 顕微鏡的多発血管炎 – 多発血管炎性肉芽腫症 – 好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症 – 混合性クリオグロブリン血症 – Henoch-Schonlein紫斑病 |
血清反応陰性脊椎関節症 – 強直性脊椎炎 – 反応性関節炎 – 乾癬性関節炎 – 炎症性腸疾患に伴う関節炎 – SAPHO症候群 |
サルコイドーシス | 自己炎症性症候群 |
再発性多発軟骨炎 |
- 関節が腫れて痛む
- 手がこわばる
- 寒いときやストレスを感じるときに、指先が紫や赤色になる(レイノー症状)
- 原因不明の37.5度以上の発熱が続いている
- 朝になると手がこわばっている
- 日焼けをすると、発熱したり全身が赤くなったりする
- 口の中に潰瘍ができやすい
- 筋肉に力が入らない
- リウマチ・膠原病初診問診票に必要事項の記入
- 医師による診察
- 採血、採尿、レントゲン写真(胸部、手、足、など)
- 必要に応じて画像検査の予約
- ブロック受付へ青ファイルを提出
- 会計(会計票に次回外来予約票がついています*1)
- 初診医が必要と判断した際はお薬が処方されます。*2
- 会計票についているお薬引換券を薬局に提出して受け取ってください。
- *1.特殊な血液検査がある場合、結果がでるまでに約2週間かかりますので次の診察の予約は2週間後以降となります。
- *2.院外処方をご希望の方は診察時にお申し出ください。
平日土曜日16時半まで: | リウマチ・膠原病内科の当番医が外来もしくは処置センターで拝見します。 |
休日・平日16時半以降: | 内科の当直医が拝見し、必要に応じてリウマチ・膠原病内科の当番医が拝見します。 |
Clinical Practice Information for patients
Keio University School of Medicine was founded in 1917, one of the oldest established and the biggest university hospital in Japan. From 2016, Keio hospital including our center is accredited as “a core clinical research hospital”, which is one of 8 hospitals within the country. Our division of rheumatology is one of the leading autoimmune disease care unit in Japan. Our aim of the division is to perform good clinical practice using the best knowledge and latest treatments of rheumatology for the benefits of patients with autoimmune diseases.
Total patient headcount is 4900. Over 18,000 patients visit our clinic and 400 were admitted to our rheumatology ward annually. Over 95% are Japanese and there are some patients that originate outside of the country.
The treatment of patients is based on the guidelines of each disease including disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), glucocorticoids, and various immunosuppressants. Over 1600 patients in our clinic are treated with biologic agents to control their disease activity.
Keio Rheumatology Clinic is a special care unit for patients below.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Sjogren’s syndrome
Malignant rheumatoid arthritis
IgG4 related diseases
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Generalized scleroderma (SSc)
Rheumatic polymyalgia (PMR)
Dermatomyositis / polymyositis (PM / DM)
RS3PE syndrome
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
Behcet’s disease
Untypeable connective tissue disease (UCTD)
Adult Still’s disease
Vasculitis syndrome
– Aortitis syndrome (Takayasu disease)
– Temporal arteritis
– Nodular polyarteritis (PAN)
– Microscopic polyangiitis
– Polyangiitis granulomatous disease
– Eosinophilic polyangiitis granulomatous disease
– Mixed cryoglobulinemia
– Henoch-Schonlein purpura
– Ankylosing spondylitis
– Reactive arthritis
– Psoriatic arthritis
– Arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease
– SAPHO syndrome
Auto-inflammatory syndrome
Recurrent multiple chondritis
If you have such symptoms below, feel free to contact with us.
My joints get swollen and painful.
The hand is stiff.
My finger turns purple or red when I feel cold or stressed (Raynaud’s symptom).
37.5 degree or more fever of unknown cause.
My hands are stiff in the morning.
Sunburn may cause fever or make the whole-body red.
It is easy for ulcers to occur in the mouth.
I cannot get strength in my muscles.
Process of our first time visiting to our clinic
1. Fill in the required items on the first interview for collagen disease
2. Doctor’s examination
3. Blood collection, urine collection, radiograph (chest, hands, feet, etc.)
4. Image examination reservation as needed.
5. Submit blue file to block reception
6. Accounting (next time reservation sheet is attached)
7. The medicine will be prescribed if necessary. Submit a prescription to the pharmacy and receive drugs.
For patients who needs the urgent care
– Daytime on weekday
Even if you do not have a reservation, you can receive a doctor’s checkup. Please ask the nurse early without waiting when you are not in a good condition.
– Night time or weekends
Please consult to the ER room in our Hospital.